Monday, October 27, 2008

How you can get recruiter's to notice you!

It's hard to get a recruiter's attention these days, with more and more resumes being sent for each job posting. So let's see if we can come up with some ways for YOU to stand out from the crowd!

First things first, we need to define what a resume is and the difference between the good, the bad and the ugly.

Definition: A resume is a written document that lists your work experience, skills, and educational background. It is used as a marketing tool for job seekers.

The resume is a tool with one specific purpose: to win an interview. A resume is an advertisement, nothing more, nothing less. It sells you for the job at hand and if you can do that successfully you are on your way to the interview.

The definition of a resume and what it is used for is well known and is probably nothing new to you. But over the years the basic resume has changed, the days of being able to submit a basic text resume that lists your skills in chronological order is no longer acceptable. Rest assured you will get lost in the shuffle unless you understand how to create a resume that IS different than the rest.

The job recruiter gets many, many resumes for every job opening (recent studies have shown for every one job opening 100 to 1000 resumes are sent). The competition is fierce. That’s the bad news – the good news is that, with a little extra effort, you can create a resume that makes you stand out as the best candidate for a job you are seeking. So, even though you face great competition, with a well written/designed resume you should be invited to interview more often than many people more qualified than you. This is a KEY point; most resumes that are sent out to get reviewed are so average and boring that they stand almost no chance of getting called for the interview.

You MUST be able to show your personality with your resume. At Right Foot Resume we take this concept one step further and create a “Personal Identity” for our clients. We design a “logo” for them along with matching professional business cards. My clients have had great success using these techniques. Visit for examples of what we can do for you!

A great resume doesn't just tell them what you have done but makes the same assertion that all good ads do: If you buy this product, you will get these specific, direct benefits. It convinces the employer that you have what it takes to be successful in this new position or career.

It is so pleasing to the eye that the reader is enticed to pick it up and read it. It invites the prospective employer to pick up the phone and ask you to come in for an interview. That is the end result of a great resume – and with the help of this guide you will soon be on your way!

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